compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins

for it to have been a xaan n1 both outsiders would currently need to be evil or liars

You have so many stipulations, if you were anybody else in this game I’d nearly joke you were moving the goalposts to support an evil world.

If it were a Xaan N1 there just needs to be one lying Outsider, so long as there’s one truthful.

Bitch fuck you this aint my fault

N1 as in set up night

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That’s my point. One Outsider equals N1 Xaan poisoning, numerical equivalence. N1 poisoning doesn’t compare to having zero Outsiders. I figure you already know this and we’re having a grotesque misunderstanding here— for which I apologise!

no 0 outsiders is set up night

i believe thats how it works



I offer you my condolences in these trying times.

i hate fisherman

Technically it’s not the Fisherman ability to blame here.

For context - there was a lycanthrope, I framed myself as the “fake evil” that the lycanthrope puts in, and people believed me

I basically sold out my entire evil team and myself, as a bounty hunter claim


Context over and done with I did not know xaan could just poison nobody

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Me when I’m a minion and my ability is to do literally nothing and be vanilla

:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

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More outsiders harms town more, less outsiders (especially when the 2 starting outsiders are out) just gives +2 townsfolk

xaan immediate F Tier

Were you otherwise at risk of being caught in a redcheck or did you just feel like it? Because either way this is awesome and I’m envious of your fearlessness.

Faking bounty hunter and killing my teammates too quickly meant I had to find an evil townsfolk to frame, there was a lycanthrope in the game and it was getting to the point that they possibly could pick me, so I claimed I was in my own ping hoping killing 2 evils would mean seeing myself 3rd would make sense - since I’d “done enough” already

Turns out the lycan picked me on N2 so I accidentally saved myself from being outed

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“Done enough” as in I’d killed 2 evils in the eyes of town, and since it’s a leviathan game the leviathan can’t kill someone by themselves. If I was actually the fake evil I could absolutely have pinged off myself so…

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Just had a fun game where I was the Mez Turned Widow-Called Drunk Pixie High Priestess.

And the Mez accidentally got the grim wrong from the Widow so gave me a wrong grim too.

With a nomination happening on what me and the Mez thought was the Lleech Host, the other evils voting on it so we concluded “The Plague Doctor must have given the ST a Wizard ability to let us move the host”.

Yeah… that was fun. Evils no matter how powerful can do a lot.
Like, the mez turned the Drunk. The Widow poisoned the Fisherman who got eh advice.
But it was still a wild ride.

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boom roasted