Already way ahead of you, don’t worry. Hazard/May/I all randed Minions once and were able to coordinate super easily immediately with zero suspicion forever, it can be great.
Let’s break this down, though. You were seeking a triple whisper rather than solo chats, to begin with. Two valid motives are to gain as much information as possible (supported by the offer to triple hardclaim), so well as to avoid the risk of being accused as an evil pair most likely (doubly supported by the “at least one good” slip(?) and this rationale here).
Like, if you believed whispering both evils would give you significant information by virtue of restraining their coordination or anything, surely whispering just one evil would also do the exact same by forcing a hardclaim without a bluff — or at least noting an awkward skedaddle if refused. If you don’t think this would be helpful, I fail to see the sense behind this follow-up response.
Nominations are now open.