compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins

Only 3 whispers not 4?

Leafia shoot kiiruma

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Nuh uh leafia follow your heart. Close your eyes. Day 1 rerack this game (if sober and no sw)

Thats the usual

Hold on, I’m just looking at it now. Severance was directed by Ben Stiller, but he’s not self-cast. That’s some nice integrity, actually, that’s awesome.
Anyhow I haven’t seen it.

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Im confirmed not demon cuz if i was id act sus to force d1 rerack

I’m your ogre

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Its amazing, great scifi mystery with paradies on worklife and religion

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Answer me in dmm


VOTE: Chomps

Witch take me


oh we actually are in nomination phaee

Current Votecount

Nominator Nominee # Voters
Zone Hippo 1 Zone
Hippo Chomps 1 Hippo
Not Voting 7 Jarek, Magnus, Chomps, Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, IcetFeelsPain, Leafia

Hippopablompoyeetus (1): Zone_Q11
Chomps (1): Hippopablompoyeetus

Not Voting (7): Jarek, Magnus, Chomps, Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, IcetFeelsPain, Leafia

Is there a cap on number of gifs to send neighbours

I’ll ask Atlas how she’d like to rule that

personally I’m fond of letting each image count as a single word, but I… do see why some people would disagree

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May and I once sent two hundred or so emotes at each other in neighbour whispers.
Hazard wasn’t happy.


Imo gifs with words should count as that many words but wordless gifs such as shrek glance should be 0

Note to self: Remember that Chomps is evil if Hippo is evil. Also, you were wrong. There can be three Evils.