compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins

zone want to whisper or will you just publically claim d1 so it is a waste of my whisper

interestingly noble is only starting info so if ur noble probably just out as we’ll have nothing else. and if someone claims noble randomly on d3 then i will kill you.

Sure, I’m the Noble, thank you for asking politely. Zone / Chomps / Jarek.


im not ogre, hippo claimed ogre to me

wtf you lied to me

Hello noble I’m the peasant

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I define lying as resting in a 180° horizontal direction.

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I am not claiming in public,
and at best I am giving out potential roles.
Softclaim; not hardclaim.

Yes, but I want to do it with three people.

lmao i wasnt expecting someone to out this fast

I am not doing this one-to-one.
Without a third party, I want a third member.
(Preferably fourth to take account of Ogre.)

do a joint three way whisper with jarek and chomps and fight

Yes, I know this means exhausting all three whispers. Still a good choice IMO.

You are aware 3+ player whispers still expend only one from your amount, yes?

No you use an extra whisper per person?

Nah. If Magnus’ claim is legit, then I’m betting my role that Chomps is the evil one.

I’d rather search for the other evil in the meantime: You.

Oh, Atlas changed it. Noted.

im not chomps ogre that was a joke

im your ogre