Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Thank you LoadingTipRichard


How toxic are people allowed to be

I genuinely love this post so much. This is a fun fact. This is quintessential fun fact. Something that I never knew and will immediately forget, yet in the moment gives me such a strong sense of “huh, neat”. It’s literally the most peak fun fact ever


ok grandma time for bed

“People” are not allowed to be toxic. Magnus is allowed to be toxic, as toxic as they want. You are permitted to be moderately toxic

On a scale of 1-10


I’ve heard calling people idiots makes moderators unhappy with you.

10 being the most toxic

What if I wanted to be a 8

I would report your post

No there’s something more toxic than calling people idiots.
It’s being SmoothBrainPepega

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I’ve decided may is absolutely cookie thread main character. The thread doesn’t exist without may. No matter how much effort is put in trying to talk about obscure music or worrying memes, incomprehensible mahjong posts are what makes the world go round


Did you see my yakuman post

I should post that here as well


I did. I very much did. “Yakuman chance” sounds like something you say to your friend chance if he asks if you’re cool with him borrowing your toothpaste

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I still remember seeing Particleman posts and I thought “Oh no SmoothBrainPepega is back”.

I’m not toxic. I’m hazardous.
The RCRA Mixing Rule for hazardous waste. Most hazardous waste determination is based on properties (flammability, corrosivity, or reactivity) or concentrations (0.2 mg/L of mercury means that it is toxic). Some genius had the idea that if you take oil and mix enough sand in it, it will not be flammable, and it won’t exceed any concentration limits. Voila, a giant pile of non-hazardous waste to cart off to landfill. This led to the infamous mixing rule. Anything mixed with hazardous waste is hazardous waste no matter what its actual properties are, so mixing oil with sand gives a giant pile of hazardous waste that must be properly incinerated.