Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

interesting is the key word here

play mahjong for 24 hours challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

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literally calls himself Mr. Beast
performs miracles
gives out money

come on guys the antichrist could not be making themselves more obvious


i think “stunt philanthropist” is not a bad thing to be but it’s not a concept that should exist


he is still a businessman
however do not kill him for that. instead kill matpat as he is worse


may i feel like you liked this not knowing that that is a real video that i have watched the entirety of that has not left my head

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matpat is going to put his private investigators on me


No I guessed it was real. I have heard some things

GUYS i have a riddle for you wanba hear it

I didn’t get into much. But I did have a phase where I was vaguely homophobic out of spite toward someone because I had a crush on them which in hindsight was very funny


Lmao that was a good one

“I don’t mind that they’re gay I just don’t like that they shove it in our faces :/ The pride avatar is a little much” <— MAD THAT THEY ARE GAY AND NOT DATING ME


Sure buddy. Whatever you say

youre in a room with matpat. you have a gun with one bullet. do you

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no you cant shoot yourself


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watching this video makes my skin crawl. not unpleasantly, mind you! but it feels like my flesh is changing watching it and the scariest part about it is that i will like the new inhuman form that Mr. Beast is turning me into


She does it

ici took a bite out of the mr beast burger

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