Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

your obligation to be gay do crime will be fulfilled so long as being gay is illegal in at least one country that’s how it works


I crashed my car into a bridge

I don’t care

I love it (2x)

I am number 1

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I… i have a duty. I will make sure at least one country follows those requirements.

Shoplifting is easy but like I couldn’t do a murder. You all know how much I stress out about being caught as wolf and I don’t even care about winning. If there’s actual stakes? Forget it

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in order to maintain societal order once homophobia is dead i plan to create a weird vatican city style microstate where nobody actually lives where being gay is illegal


Min you’d be good at shoplifting right

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i am GETTING to that if you will LET ME BE FUNNY

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unfortunately my original comment was a setup to that secondary post, you simply intercepted a punchline

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i scared of shoplifting

i go into a store and see my friend do it all the time but i just stand there like :open_mouth::kissing_smiling_eyes:

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min would hide in the milk fridge until closing to steal everything in the store


Yeah see that’s the thing is that everybody here is a coward or nerd

youre not allowed to say something and already have a joke lined up. Thats cheating



Which am i

Did you do your physical exercises

I think I’d be better at murder than shoplifting but I am insane

i think ive shoplifted one time my entire life in 6th grade when i lived in texas

and it was when i went to walmart with the friend i was sleeping over with and i stole her nail polish to impress her