Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

hes actually so real for this

in the chapter in which he is supposed to be explaining his theories on sexual reproduction, he writes this:

Perhaps my elucidation of Natural Laws is too easy to understand for these learned professors. They may prefer to squander their time working out cross-puzzles of mysterious theories built upon the hypotyposistical hypothesis of superannuated guessmen.

They still base their empty theories upon the supposition that there exists somewhere and somehow a something called energy which moves matter about from one place to another. But when you understand Penetrability you know beyond any sort of a doubt or guess that the only power that moves matter about in Space is caused by suction and pressure.

And from that point on during your education it is easy to learn the cause of sex.

What does he have with sex, why is this his main theme

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you might wonder what this is getting to. well, you see:

Every particle of matter throughout space is either male or female and the cause of Sex is Suction and Pressure.


oh no i’m just quoting from the chapter about sex his whole thing is way dumber than just that

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alfred lawosn didn’t believe circles were real

ici you keep on saying things that sound like arguments I have made in real life

I apologise ancestors. I have considered billion crime counts of Sex is Suction and Pressure

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im starting to wonder if i was born to be a cult leader


its never too late to try

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this guy at one point had to explain all this to congress

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i already pray to the sun and believe I have psychic powers. I’m like made for this? I know what I must do

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Well. I think he almost is, but I’m not sure if he had insidious or scam plans to do something evil with them.

Do you all think I could be this guy. I could be this guy right


may do you think circles are real

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we are one

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Yes, THE ALMIGHTY, uses every particle of matter, over and over again and again through all eternity, without the loss of a particle of it. That’s genuine Economics.

ECONOMICS is the first material law of nature. It can be proved as follows:
Law is the rule of procedure.
Procedure must have an objective.
The objective of material is usefulness.
Usefulness is the outlet of material.
Utilization is that which gives value to material.
Nature is the utilization of material.
Economics is the utilization of everything without the loss of anything.
Therefore, in value, Economics is the first material law of nature.


they arent. look at any circle and look closer. no more circles. at some point the circle will stop circling it always happens.

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MAYBE there are spheres. not sure on that one yet