Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

i mean if we’re being honest has the universe ever truly made a correct circle? circles have pretty specific and demanding criteria that have probably been at least microscopically violated by every circle ever made

have you ever stepped in the same place twice?

It sounds like a minor-scale cult of personality where it emphasizes how much he’s great.

Yes I am not using that term correctly

Though he was investigated by the IRS and this is automatically making me think that he was doing something bad

same river, no. same place, yeah i do it all the time

has anyone, ever, stepped in the same place twice

this is independent of anything heraclitus had to say i just don’t step into rivers

Savages have done much better. Cannibals do not let their food rot while their children starve.

Therefore, civilization has a lower economic rating, as well as a lower spiritual rating, than either Savagery or Barbarism.

A wild beast will not deny another the right to eat after his own stomach has been filled. Even a snake will feed its young.

Economics, as taught by Civilization, is not only degrading in itself but also degrades all other branches of human endeavor.

Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, Medicine, Government, Law, Theology and other branches are all tainted by Civilization’s so-called Economics.

Stupid Physics are taught in school because educators must obtain graft through the sale of erroneous text books.

it’s especially funny when his broken clock is occasionally right

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lift your foot. put it back down. thats not the same place. its a different place. very slightly off

Law is made to fit best where there is the most money.
A Psychologist will “prove” black is white for a dollar.
The practice of medicine pays better when people are sick than when they are well.

There are clergymen who uphold a system that starves babies because financiers donate money that pays their salaries. They tell, with one voice, how God loves little children and, with another voice, that the financial system that robs them of their milk and wrecks their little bodies must be kept in force. They shut their eyes to starving infants, or else claim that they are not responsible for it. But God knows that everybody who uphold a system that starves babies are as much to blame as if they actually snatched the milk bottles from their little lips.

like i cannot stress this enough occasionally this man is completely right

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but even when he’s saying things which are correct he says it in his own completely deranged style

So this is why he hates the banks. He has beef with the science of money

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i used to know a serbian he was a cool dude

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what are his books called?

he used to be a marxist before deciding that just banks are the problem and capitalism is fine


In 1904, he wrote a utopian novel, Born Again ,[2] in which he developed the philosophy which later became Lawsonomy.[3]

I know what im reading next. After 1920s lesbian fiction and my secret freemason book again.

Well at least he’s not an early 20th century marxist

I will say that I have never felt the urge to name things after myself. Not a desire I’ve had

hold on let me find the website

yeah because you name things June or July or

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