Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time IT IS

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I really don’t like the name of lawsonomy can we pelase chane it


Oh right you gave me your last name. Before we were dating

@tutuu i need you right now


we met on another site at one point what was the site called

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“Arete” is good for naming things after, “Francis” just lends itself to jokes about being cisgender

my last name is an outdated term for murdering people by suffocation :sunglasses:


im asking because that site has my full name as my username for literally no reason. I asked for the other account to be fixed but they gave me that one and like fuck it. sure. It’s my chosen last name but legally it is not my last name

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okay chat what should we read first




Like the mahjong suit

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i refuse to let things be named after myself my name is too boring. i will gladly let stigler’s law of eponymy take effect on anything i discover or create

Like the mahjong suit.

Man is a formation. He is a combination of substances of different density drawn together by Suction and squeezed apart by Pressure. His birth, life and death is caused by the same Law of Movement that causes the birth, life and death of every formation.

Every move man makes, every act, no matter if made by his entire body or any part thereof, is the result of Suction and Pressure.

If a man takes food into his stomach, it is accomplished by Suction; if he evacuates waste matter it is caused by Pressure.

If the heart of man draws blood from the entire body, it is accomplished by Suction; when the heart pushes back that same blood throughout the body, it is caused by Pressure.

When the muscles of man expand, such expansion is accomplished by Suction; when the muscles of man contract, such contraction is caused by Pressure.

There is no movement made by man during his physical life that is not caused by Suction and Pressure.


Arete Strangle


One more mention about men and somebody else can revise this to become a 30th book of the bible

i need to add the bible to my list of reads too actually

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he did do this you do realise

im going for abrahamic%. all of thos guys