Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

In my book MANLIFE, published in 1923, I introduced the Law of Penetrability into physiology to show how a human being could increase his efficiency and length of life by following certain rules in his everyday life. I repeat much of what I wrote in Manlife in this work. In fact some things I wrote in this book I wrote in other publications as far back as the year of 1904.

Not only must the internal organization of man be so constituted that it can draw into itself new substances and prepare them for assimilation and also eject waste matter, but it must also be able to regulate its own density so that the whole body can move about from place to place.

Man is drawn to the crust of the Earth by the power of Suction within the Earth, which attracts certain substances to it.

Man must therefore build himself of a certain density that can be moved away from the crust of the Earth and also create the power within to lift himself away from the Earth.

This is accomplished by building his bones and muscles of substances which afford the maximum strength to the minimum density and still maintain certain weight that will enable him to penetrate the air in which he is immersed.

Therefore man must balance himself by internal Suction to offset the Earth’s Suction, and by internal Pressure to offset the external Pressure of the atmosphere.


you see he doesn’t believe in gravity he believes in Suction And Pressure, the two key forces that allow for Penetrability, and the eternal principle of Zig-Zag-And-Swirl

This is awesome

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Astronomy is an exact science as far as man-made mathematics are concerned.

When an astronomer states in advance that an eclipse of the Sun will occur at a certain minute of a certain day, he proves that the system which he uses to measure distance and movements of Solar formations is perfect.

When an astronomer states that light from the Sun moves to the Earth at a speed of approximately 186,000 miles per second he can prove according to mathematical calculation that it is a fact.

When astronomers stick to fasts that can be proved by mathematics they shine as great lights of knowledge.

But many astronomers get into the habit of mixing facts with theory which often leads to erroneous and viscous channels from whence they are never able to extricate themselves.

It is a very wise astronomer who can recognize at a distance new facts that are at variance with a pet theory he has clung to for years.

A few theories that many astronomers have become attached to, and have led credulous students to believe in are as follows:

That light is caused by vibration.

That color is caused by vibration.

That Space is empty.

That a formation is started with a nucleus of solid matter.

That the Earth is a solid ball.

That the moon was formerly a section of the Earth.

That a body can make a circle in space.

That Space may be limited in largeness and smallness.

That Time is a dimension.

Lawsonomy proves that all such stuff is nonsense.

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i will say it o ne last time. fol bookclub is needed

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no hes so real nothing can make a circle

Eternity recognizes no such condition as Time. Space recognizes no limits or directions. A circle in Space is an impossibility.

Man assumes that because the Earth upon which he lives is globular and has a circumference, diameter and a center, and moves around the sun, that Space must be globular with a circumference, diameter and center, and moves around in circles.

Man assumes that because he apparently makes a straight line or a circle upon an apparently flat surface, that a straight line or circle could also be made in Space.

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Man assumes that because he can move in a certain direction upon the Earth, and the Earth moves in a certain direction in the Solar System, and the Solar System moves in a certain direction in the heavens, that there must be certain fixed directions in Space and that all of the contents of Space must have similar forms to those with which he has become familiar.

Before man can evolve into a greater being he must develop new functions of thought, new reasoning faculties, that will carry him into new and broader avenues. He must break away from the narrow paths that confine his range of vision. He must go out into the open fields of exploration and look as far as it is possible for him to see.

That does not mean that he must strain his views by consideration of the length and breadth of the plane upon which he stands. It does not mean that he must strain his views in contemplation of the globular body upon which he lives. It does not mean that he must strain his views upon triangular measurements of distance and movements of bodies in the nearby heavens.

It means that he must only utilize the knowledge gained by and through the consideration of apparent straight lines, planes, squares, cubes, triangles and circles as a stepping stone to the greater dimensions into which a study of Penetrability will lead.

Penetrability recognizes only a difference in Density.

The shapes and proportions of formations, their respective speeds in movements, and the directions in which they move are decided by Suction and Pressure.

The assumption that any formation can move in a straight line, or in a circle in Space is a fallacy that must be eliminated from the mind of man as quickly as possible if he would understand the basic law of movement.

Zig-Zag-and-Swirl is the basic method of movement of contents throughout Space.

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now, class, let’s unpack what the madman is saying here, because it’s very interesting and intellectually engaging nonsense

what Lawson is laying out here is the theory of Zig-Zag-And-Swirl, which is the theory that the universe is infinite in size and complexity and thus location is impossible because every single particle of matter is being moved in infinitely many ways relative to infinitely many objects

the syndicate

circles cannot exist because according to Lawson, no shape properly exists in Space. the majority of reality is utterly unfathomable, even with Lawsonomy, and all that can be understood is the orders of magnitude to which we are close

No thing ever moved in a straight course in Space, and no thing ever moved in a circle in Space. No thing ever started to move and returned to the starting point in Space. Neither did it continue the direction in which it was started. No thing ever remained in the same position in Space or contained the same constituents even for an instant.

Did you not pick your own username when registering? :joy_cat:

I havent read previous messages. Are you asking for that username to be changed? I can ask the mods

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the theory of Zig-Zag-And-Swirl is that the universe is completely incomprehensible, that there are infinitely many smaller structures within what we are familiar with, and we are within infinitely many larger structures, and each of these structures functions according to rules that nobody can understand. the laws of physics, as Lawson posits them, are relativistic; in different parts of Space, they function differently, the only constants being, according to him, Suction and Pressure

this is, if you think about it, a bit of a fucking insane idea. it’s wrong, but it’s actually philosophically really interesting. it’s quite hard to articulate why it’s wrong

to explain this in terms more familiar to our 21st century ears, I suggest the following:

you remember that episode of Johnny Test where Johnny goes inside of the core of an atom and finds a near-exact replica of the universe he’s from, and has to keep getting smaller and smaller until he gets to a universe close enough to the original in order to keep living his life, implying that the universe itself is a self-similar fractal?

it’s like that

except according to Lawson, every single layer of this arrangement functions completely differently in terms of laws of physics to every other of the infinitely many layers of reality. it’s a level of extreme relativism that is philosophically completely unheard of