Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

I’m playing through Sunshine for the first time.

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how do you play mahjong without knowing how to win


Deranked from Expert III a couple days ago

i internalized being good at mahjong as part of your personality what do i make of this


I’m not that bad but I’m also not that good

I know the rough shapes of scoring enough to get by in almost all situations that don’t involve very close leads, I just have to give a slightly wider margin than someone who’s memorised the precise scoring would.

May likes playing Mahjong and selectively screenshots their high scores when none of us would know what counts as high or not.

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I’m on a losing streak lately and I’m being dramatic about it

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i would pokemon showdown post if i didn’t exclusively play esoteric random-based metas

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too lazy to teambuild

Explaining what’s so funny about these screenshots is difficult.

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Hey May, wanna Pokemon duel since neither of us would know what we’re doing?

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i’m imagining the alternate timeline where i’m actually mafia in FAM as intended and instead of making people play osu i subject people to having to get a certain elo on the gen 9 hackmons cup ladder


i think they would just give up instantly

The correct decision would be the password game.

(It wasn’t out yet I think.)

Okay, so thirteen orphans is easy. It’s the equivalent of shooting the moon in hearts. It’s when you get precisely the worst possible hand and it’s worth a fuckton of points. This person called thirteen orphans on me and absolutely destroyed me, so I only had 800 points left.

Now. One of the core mechanics of riichi mahjong requires you to bet 1000 points to vastly improve your scoring potential on an almost-winning hand. You cannot riichi if you have less than 1000 points. This is very funny already.

If you get a hand that’s almost-winning on the first draw, that’s quite rare and is called double riichi. I’ve gotten it like maybe two or three times before. And here I just got the opportunity to double riichi… but couldn’t, because I got super destroyed beforehand.