Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

well they aren’t fully confirmable / the mafia can mechanically do the same as them and i made an attempt at anti-claim

Is this really necessary

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[strong personal opinion]
17p without a bunch of kp is fucking ass

i was worried about town breaking the setup with those pesky plans


“hey, eveyone, everyone should give their resources on these 2 scummy people, and those ppl should get vig shots”

or something like that

i dunno i was paranoid of plans that break the thing and/or make it unfun

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ok but mafia can also make plans

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and interfere with town’s plans by talking

The theory is that, in a rolemadness game, mafia shouldn’t be able to negate town’s mechanics wholly
They should have methods to interfere of course
But a skilltesting element in setups like this is being able to agenda the night actions of villagers


alright fair enuff

Wondering if town’s night actions measure up to mafia’s night actions (assuming mafia only target mafia), such that massclaiming is objectively correct to avoid that outcome


Monte Carlo is unlikely to be correct here

Since the reasonably expected play is to stack on ~townread players


It’d be earliest a n3 vig with the potential for n5 vig but obviously a wolf sweep wins at d5


so it can mostly be discounted
I’d probably put the game on evens though

do u think the idea could be fun?

i was more so trying to come up with something i found fun (players exchanging resources) and i didnt think too much about balance

We can entirely ignore the existence of the alignment cop
It’s absurdly unlikely for it to come into play due to the number of factors involved


I think such a mechanic is uninteresting from a perspective of a player

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ToS Ranked Rolelist, with jailor replaced with a TK, godfather with a MD and mafioso with an RM. no more than one town killing can roll
All roles are pulled at random from town of salem’s role idea subforum. Roles may be rebalanced or otherwise altered to function in a forum mafia setup.
Mafia have an assigned factional kill
There is nothing more to the setup


the reasons mainly come from the fact that you don’t do much at an individual level and that the average player (more importantly) isn’t fooled into thinking they have a noticeable impact


Please let me host the best semi open known to man

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I think the game would be fun for the archetypical strategical player like eevee but nearly nobody on this site is that archetype