Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

iight thank uuu ^-^ i appreciate the thoughts

I will say that I respect that you understand the importance of controlling how much kp is in the game

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No problem
I perpetually review things so if you have any ideas that you want checked out I am more than willing to take a look

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this is the only thing I ever learned from tosfm they had a tk limit in every game

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no other thoughts?

I think you could
Just run ToSFM

but that isnt funny

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Your idea isnā€™t funny


ive hosted tosfm too many times geyde. I am bored with tosfm. I want to host a setup of the culmination of an entire communities effort to create roles for that game

Town of Babelā€¦

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yes you can do this

I donā€™t think itā€™s a good idea and I donā€™t recommend it, but I donā€™t speak for everyone that plays mafia and if you can get it to fill I see no issue with running it

i say i do things because theyre funny alot but thats just because its easier than explaining whats actually going on in my brain i dotn know how to do that

Good to know
im gonna host a different setup

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itā€™s quite easy all you need to do is express the process even if it sounds stupid because then Iā€™ll be able to figure out why you did it and then optimize your ideas to work better

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the major issue is getting it to the plate

oh I know why I did it
But I cannot put it into like. words. or shapes. or anything. it makes sense internally but not in a way that I can put out

Expression is hard. Thats the hard part for me

We do not think the same so I cannot infiltrate your brain


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