ive not got carpal tunnel. HOWEVER my nerves are also kinda fucky anyways. Why? Nobody knows. My dad has the same thing. Which as a result meaning my hands are shakey and evil
the one time I took an IQ test I was so smart that I broke the scale
(OVEREXPLAINING THE JOKE: this is technically true but extremely misleading, for whatever reason when I was getting evaluated for special ed they gave me, like, a really un-detailed IQ test, where instead of giving you a number they just sorted you into one of six buckets? and I was in the top bucket but that means like “reasonably intelligent” and not like “supergenius.”)
My mom had to get surgery for carpal tunnel so I am careful*
this was in second grade and I did not find out this had happened until seventh grade, when it was randomly relevant
Its actually gotten alot worse recently. Do you think I forget to call the doctors by tomorrow morning
I will have to go to sleep in 20 minutes.
Story is your heart beating correctly?
Maygus did you do your physical exercises
Arete… uhhh, how’s uni!
always is. just a bit fast is all
Silviu I graduated in 2022
Living example of
everytimes we touch I get this feeling. And everytime we kiss I swear I can fly
My heart beats fast
I wish this moment could last
I didn’t know that!
you never truly graduate. you’re still in college. how’s college
it doesn’t start until late September :)
I am unironically considering just. showing up for student clubs to see my friends
oh right i forgot UChicago is a netherspace
maybe I can play Avalon with Arjun again. no the club in question is not a board game club
just a slice of hell in the real world
my hands are in soo much pain I am going to go drink 10 gallons of water that usually helps
im gonna post something befroe i go one sec
TodaysStory hyperpost let’s go
im not sure if thisll work but ill try it