Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

It’s worse when I don’t eat, which is more common than it should be, too. It’s why I make so many typos. Usually I can feel my hands make typos and correct them without even looking at the screen, but if, for whatever reason, I can’t do that, you see them all

And sometimes I just don’t feel like correcting them, either. If I’m tired.

Is all of this curable?

Sounds like hypoglycemia

You should probably eat food i hear thats good for you

good morning chat

Shrug. Plenty of it can get better with treatment. If I’m stronger, my heart’ll pump blood better, if my muscles are stronger, they can support my joints and prevent them from doing painful shit, that kind of thing. But the base causes won’t go away. A lot of my family members have similar sort of… traits, similar hypermobile joints and such, but don’t have the same kind of pain and fatigue as me because they’re physically stronger and therefore feel the symptoms less.

I hear you’re supposed to eat “three meals” in a “day”. Fucked up if true. Investigating and reporting back

im sorry youre on hard mode may


we can be on hrad mode togethre

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Spoken like the witch in Hansel and Gretzky

Nice try chloecel


Gretel. I. I need to turn off autocorrect


i am going to swing may around to get the bad hypermobile juice out of him


My brother has similar traits, similar joint pain, but he was less stubborn as a kid, did the sports my parents encouraged, and also probably had a leg up on muscle development on account of, you know, hormones. So he doesn’t have the same intensity of symptoms. It’s a combination of genetics and how your life went, I suppose.

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YEAH im really similar to my dad except he spent his time as a kid and young adult super active so he was unburdened. then he became burdened. i dont know where the nerve damage fits in to this i think that was just unlucky

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however if he was unlucky WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE IT

my family suffers from hypermobility too but only my mom and one of my sisters suffer from the accompanying joint problems

Yeah. My mom was a champion fencer in high school & college. So she didn’t have the same issues growing up. My grandmother wasn’t, and she was ill all her life. Exercise is good for you, who would’ve thought

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SHOCKING NEWS: building strength builds strength

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What the hell why does everyone here have the same chronic illnesses in their family it’s like a convention in here