Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

look at this. it gets worse the more you look at it

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0.078 batting average is the funniest fucking thing i’ve ever had the misfortune to have watched most games of


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i should stress that Cornelius Games, in these three seasons, batted for the Thieves more than any other player on our team

WORST TRAGEDY EVER NEVER FORGET :eagle: :eagle: :eagle: :us: :us: :us:

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a second joke has not yet hit the towers

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jarvis, post turning red full movie 1080p in the cookie chat



mmmm, jarvis, send a bomb threat to my daughter’s school, she doesn’t want to go in today


when i didnt want to go i just didnt go. bomb threats are for when you didn’t study for the test

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When I didn’t study for the test I’d just collapse onmy desk and they’d not make me do it

id tell you what my attendance was my last few years but i was never in to get my term report

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this is one of my favorite fucking tweets

thats an option? i just failed

I was trying to set people up to give me an excuse to post it earlier and it didn’t work so I’m just posting it now

jarvis, please show me the top result for video games online video games free on google

my school told me i had all my mock exams in one week when i hadnt been in the entire year and if i didnt take them all i could have to leave the school. my friend didnt take any of them. got to stay. could’ve just let me take the tests i wanted to