Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Nah, just putting it out there

What the heck happened?

Well played Jake, at least you probably contributed a lot!

I was language nerding and suddenly I get cookie

2nd place to May

I have made less than 1/5 of the posts here.

Sorry Jake, I don’t make the rules.

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Hey who won cookie? My phone is :skull:

Yea, you get the cookie for sure

Ah phone error I m 5003

Magnus totally got it



nom nom nom

if omy i cawed enouf aboud dad over dis cookie

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To be fair, I didn’t type a short post and wait for an opportunity like Jake did. I had honour.


You’re like Jane. Came for cookies for the grind but not to actually uhhh live up the thread!

We need to prevent people from getting away with this

Garfooled had the most honour, though.

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I was very tempted to like not post at all and post only on 5000

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Cookie stall.

Booo lame boo

Can you talk to Jake or something?
@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Courage is not the absence of fear, but simply moving on with dignity despite that fear. — Pat Riley