Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Only cus it’d be funny but then I’d really be the Disney villain

the 10K cookie will be far staler than this one.

Wait, this one is blueberry flavored. Yum!

Petition to throw tomatoes at jake

Why are these always on-topic?
Gar had the dignity to post despite the fear of missing 5000.


I’m trying to think of my favorite cookies
What were they called?
They have cheese cream in the dough

My name will be the first

Written in tomato blood

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The real cookie is the shidposts we made along the way

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You didn’t even get the first cookie.

Oh whoops, the next cookie post is #5035. Watch yourselves.

Duck duck goose.

fuck i missed the cookie


what is the— what

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You got the conciliation cookie.

You’re right. I got the 0th cookie. Stole it right off ye olde baking tray


You got the 5000th cookie. Not so much of an achievement when you think of it that way, huh?

that’s not a cooki—
this isn’t the beach, it’s a bathtub

At least it’s not the 10K cookie.

@discobot quote