Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Were they on this site as of last February?

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No I did not dream about killing Zorvo ahaha
They’re someone I know in RL


A gun in your hand, in your mind, are you holding it for defensive or offensive purposes? Or who knows, even recreationally

And when you push someone down the stairs what does it mean to you exactly as a symbol? You want to be in a superior height than them? Do you want to push them away from you?

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Ah you want details?
I often have dreams about murdering or beating people/an animal once to protect my siblings

Do you have aphantasia?

That’s the thing, you remember something seemingly traumatic more vividly than those that are random fun. I usually have these in the morning when I nap.

Once, I went on top of a hill with my mom and someone else on a late house of my grandparents. And it felt like raining but when I looked up it didn’t raindrop and it didn’t even touch me. I saw how oblivious the characters were in my dream and was like, this is definetly a dream

Then I got woken up by the real life door of my room being opened and everything turned pitch black

I don’t.

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Remember that symbolism in dream doesn’t quite have filters and can even become uncomfortable. Those represent something about you, but obviously the 100% dream content doesn’t represent you as a person, otherwise Salem witch trials based on “astral evidence” would become a thing again.


I once broke up with someone because my dreams kept telling me to


Every dream has a meaning.
My dreams:

(Not for me personally.)


I know where it comes from,
I wouldn’t discuss it in a cookie thread xd

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I had a dream once

Never again.

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Y o u
c a n ’ t
h i d e
f r o m

s t e a l i ng
t h a t
c o o k i e

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I have dreams like you, no, really.
Just much less touchy feely.
They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny.
On an island that I own,
Tanned and rested and alone.
Surrounded by enormous piles of money.

Genuinely. It was… inevitable, but I kept putting off the conversation when I was awake. Because it was stressing me out, though, I repeatedly had dreams about it, and eventually I gave in and went “fine, subconscious, I get the message, this is going to keep weighing on me until I get it over with”, and then I did. Very easy stuff.

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I’m actually opening a cookie-theft based business here shortly.