Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

You want worse vision? I have a celestial body that you might want to look into. Directly. For extended periods of time

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They had us do fuckin basketball drills in gym class or whatever and the teacher wouldn’t let me sit on the bleachers for the duration of it. She said I either had to go to the nurse and leave class or participate. Didn’t particularly want to do either so I just decided to start the thing and immediately collapse on the ground to embarrass her

I was the fuckin PE class goat. I still remember winning the beep test. I was striaght ballin

it was probably becasue I was 6’1 in the eigth grade but

I was not

Either of those things.

Eventually I got medical excused from the class but they still had me scheduled for it for the longest time so It was just sitting there class

Only sport I was ever remotely competent at was fencing. Used to fence. They don’t have that in gym class

Pretty sure the school has outside fences in general


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Well I could run really fast in short bursts but I never did it. I think I only ever tried twice. Once to win a short race against the kid who was beating everybody (successful) and once because my mom’d pulled out of the driveway and I needed to tell her something and I forgot phones existed so I had to just catch the car. Which wasn’t going all that fast yet. Obviously. Now I can’t run at all


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if you ever see italy I would suggest you atleast try


Back then I wasn’t as weak as I am now and I also had no conception of reasonable human limits, having chronic pain, so if I really wanted to, I could just manually unlock the cool powers you’re only supposed to get in life or death situations. I think I injured myself both times

He already knows I’m a Victorian orphan boy it’s too late

Plus fencing is good for your legs

You know if you wanted to you possess the strength enough to easily bite off your own fingers. The only reason we don’t is because our brain wont let us

I felt it’s good for making you more reactive

Like video games!!

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