Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

First score

What does it mean. Are you a diazepam abuser

I finely sift my diazepam using my sieve to ensure it’s pure so I don’t wind up in a cemetery.

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Hey @May, is this a good score for a first go? Your practiced score is higher so I’m not sure.


Yeah it’s good. You know a lot of words that’s not unexpected

I forgot the word for sleeve so I put wrist

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“See how other people are performing on twatter!”

I feel like most of these words are basic, but I figured they’d do. I nearly repeated a musical themed word.
@Silviu200530 blades and wrists being called out as similar, is there something you want to say?

13 year old michael miller was found dead. his body was found near a river in (edited out). every square inch of his body was destroyed. as for the current whereabouts of the murderer’s location, they are still unknown.

Full disclosure this is from months ago I didn’t feel like taking the test again


Does it measure basic people normally when they mention basic items around their room?

Hold on a minute. The cops weren’t this capable when I was the killer.

It specifically tells you not to look around the room for ideas

But then I did it anyways

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I think it’s really funny that anglerfish and anathema are called out as most similar, presumably because they’re being listed together as long words starting with a

I understand talisman with brain and chips. But who has cheese talismans?

I just thought of a list of categories and then wrote advance words within said categories without going technical. Saucepan became sieve. Fiction became stylisation. Law became tribunal. The other words were pretty simple, but I cared more about the range between words than going obscure.

Beware, a new challenger has arrived

I thought this might happen, so I moved some of my own words around to compensate for the risk.