Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Damn it Jane

i opened the saul account and then had the wrong account open when it was time to make the actual post


I have achieved the funny.

Now give the funny to me





You’ll have to catch me first.


I had my notepad ready so I could spam to get it

.52 gal users when they don’t have multiple buttons they can situationally press to decide they just don’t die and instead actually have to play their weapon:


The first cookie

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i respect .52 gal players and i get why splash wall/.52 have good synergy, but for all that’s unholy do not give them a second survivability option

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in other words kensa .52 was a war crime

also please don’t give them Crab Tank with how low the endlag is when getting shot out of that special a .52 can easily just turn a punish into a trade, what with their ultrafast kill time

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ALSO ALSO what we call AI art isn’t really being made by the AI, it’s just poorly made generative art that’s not being curated to the degree that produces good generative art. and also it just outright steals the work of human artists. if you fix those two things image generation art is very obviously fine

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like i’d consider the artist behind any AI image or text the people who seeded and curated the neutral net and the person messing with the prompts, not the AI. i believe it qualifies as art, I just don’t think it’s good art because the generative processes are black boxes and thus can’t be tweaked like a generative work like Minecraft or Dwarf Fortress can

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in short, is art, is bad, derivative art but isn’t always gonna be that

the issue is that the way the processes are being used right now is as a means for techbros to assert their authority rather than actually a means of producing… art


I was taking a test when it reached 1000 this is unfair

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the images that comes out of neural net generative art art is secondary to the rhetorical purpose it serves for the bulk of its’ advocates, which is an expression of the perceived supremacy of the ideology of exponentially (mathematically speaking it’s more accurately geometrically progressing, but who gives a fuck about that) progressing technology (Moore’s “Law”) for the purposes of funding and clout

that’s why it’s so fundamentally tied into like, NFTs and the surrounding millieu, because its’ purpose is to say “Look at how Impressive our technology is, if we can build this then presumably we can also build [x implausible thing they’re trying to sell as inevitable]”. any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, sure, but the corrolary is true: any sufficiently cloaked magic is indistinguishable from technology

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