Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

This is the least religious state in the US so I suppose the youth groups faced with opposition have had to improve their catfishing technique here



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Iā€™m pretty sure the girl who organised it just like did it willingly (I mean obviously because it was at her house). Iā€™m pretty sure she just invited her Youth Pastor & shit

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once i got into college it was realllllly hard to go to my first few classes. Once it hit the 4th quarter of the year iā€™d show up at like 2pm if at all. senioritis is huge

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i cant wait to go to school in canada

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thatā€™s a lie
I canā€™t wait to go to canada

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not f it was the best time of my life iā€™d go get burritos and watch youtube at a golf course or something it was peak

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oh cool

Interesting person. She came in like a package deal with her cousin who went to the same school I always forgot they were cousins and not like twins. They were theatre kids one was gay (not the one who organised the youth pastor party) Iā€™m pretty sure they traded boyfriends once she was salutatorian they won like half the scholarships announced at graduation between them

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not doing the things youā€™re supposed to is great. I donā€™t like summer because I have nothing to do. I need SOMETHING to do so that i can take pride in not doing it

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damn that wouldā€™ve been good PR
for the wrong audience but still

I showed up at the beginning of the school day one entire time throughout my high school career. It was also the only time I showed up to school after pulling an all-nighter

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guys we have gay people here!!
totally not homophobic still

They were like one of the better denominations I think? But I also donā€™t know how the gay (Well bisexual) one feels about god given she was not the one organising the YOUTH PASTOR FRONT PARTY


thatā€™s nice

It was also the only time I wore a My Little Pony shirt to school

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omg this one pair of sisters in my grade (one was salutatorian) won fucking everyyyyyyyyyything at graduation it was crazy.
its funny cuz they are triplets and the guy triplet is like one of my besties but my man was too based to care that much about school



I was not present on planet earth at all as I hadnā€™t slept so I aws constnatly looking over my shoulder trying to determine who thought I was weird for wearing a my little pony shirt. I am pretty sure none of them noticed me ecxcept for probably thinking I was high (because I was looking over my shoulder trying to determine who thought I was weird for wearing a my little pony shirt)

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