Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

babe they’re shortenning my name to a possesive again

it’s not off-handedly she went after subway sandwiches

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You go throuhg so much

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may is still winning I think

You guys surely are on a long ride if you can’t tell who is winning

I will take the uk slander (it deserves it) but this is my family slander actually so I will have to beat you with a metal pole. alternatively it could also be autism slander which is fair it took me my entire childhood to get used to my family’s food. I could not cope with curry as a child

hello gamers

by I think , they are

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good evening min

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Now that’s more like it

I am never winning Litten I have incredible powers to throw

how are yuo doing fren

Beat her at puyo puyo, she might have not played the games

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I’m alright, lil sleepy but when am I not

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You always understand my pain…


i am guud hehe

i am going to a function later today :3

see im actually really weird about certain food textures but subway is such a go-to becauase mmmmfgh its so good. flavor never been an issue tho so i guess that would make sense cuz its got lotsa flavors. i love flavor tho. mm flavor

subway hits

I can’t win but I can draw