Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

i reject needing to know everything and embrace the fact i do not know anything

(i am clueless)

lost even


Further enjoyment method exists in your incapability to understand the conclusions you came to a week later. I am a slave to my impulses, and fervent logicking will solve nothing

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In fact Iā€™ve solved none of my problems
They are all still there with the answer so obvious to me that Iā€™ve written pages upon pages of solutions
But inaction will stand perpetually and I will accomplish nothing

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Iā€™ve gotten better about it in the past year or two. I am silly on the internet and I do not know most things and I love being bad at things and losing


Except when Iā€™m not but we donā€™t talk about that

oh do tell

Some times I lose at something and it makes me sad :(

Donā€™t you ever want to get run over by a drunk driver outside a mcdonalds


When Iā€™m wrong on the internet yes

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I am hot
I am burning
I am living, but I donā€™t feel alive

I know what dysphoria is because I felt it
It wasnā€™t where one would think but it was there all the same
It was painful

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excuse the geydeposting

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Itā€™s not real if you donā€™t want it to be!

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whats a geyde

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god I hate people on the internet why do they have ā€˜argumentsā€™ and ā€˜sourcesā€™ and ā€˜logicā€™


Canā€™t they just understand that Iā€™m cooking and leave me be?


this is real

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Give me that real soul to soul and then theyā€™ll know that I believe the fucking thing Iā€™m saying so strongly Iā€™d die for it