Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Do you want to know how to do the illegal move. The one where everyone who uses it should kill themselbes (source: Guy on tetrio)

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Doing your own dirty work?

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Unrelatedly all the endcards from our tournament are so funny because they are FULL of assists. “Damn guess everyone on both teams except their TTek went positive K/D” & assists aren’t shown in the in-game endcard so you have to pull up the mobile app and check their asses to see that actually Loke Nobody went positive

I love killing

Likes are approvals. Okay so it’s called DT Cannon, short for Double-Triple, as in you execute a back-to-back T-spin double and then triple. You can build it in two main ways, but both require fairly early L and J pieces. When you see both of them in your starting block lineup you just go Okay it’s DT cannon time

DT cannon takes two “bags” of blocks to fill: the way Tetris picks what piece to give you isn’t totally random, what it does is take one of each of the seven Tetris pieces, shuffles their order, then gives them to you, then grabs another “bag” containing one of every piece, shuffles them, gives them to you… so your first 14 pieces are guaranteed to be two of every piece. That’s important because it lets you reliably build opening setups like these without getting, like, five I pieces in a row


Here’s the basic setup. You place down those L and J pieces on the bottom, stack S and Z on top of them, O goes to the far left (or right, you can mirror it but it’s slightly slower to build), I in that middle there. And then you do those little overhangs with the next L and J you get to build the setup

Once you have it built up, then you T-spin in those sude gaps to clear it, and from there you can move into a few different things. I usually just make it a side four-wide: you keep a gap of four blocks on the left, build up the right side, and then once you’re ready to clear it, you can maintain a really long back-to-back line clear streak by just clearing one or two at a time. If you’re good. It’s tricky to keep the combo going


You can also use this alternative near-identical setup with the L and J vertical, which is a bit slower but works for some opening bags the original doesn’t

And if you use this maybe someone will tell you to kill your self over Tetris which is the ultimate goal really. Because that’s inherently very funny

I have not played Tetris in quite some time

Anyway DT cannon is just very reliable. Very easy it’s the same every time. I bet I still have the muscle memory to build it. I like it for that reason. I sure as hell don’t remember how to use Albatross Special or Drunk Albatross or any of the other birds I never learned Pelican in the first place. Et cetera

I know how to start a perfect clear opener but I don’t remember the hell puzzle bullshit that goes into getting the perfect clear. I went through the whole trainer and remember none of it

And I’m just too skill issued to straight up go for center 4wide

I was not that good at Tetris

I feel like my doctors would do well to check my post count on Fortress of Lies dot com to track the general state of my symptoms because I sure as hell don’t remember when I am having a bad flare up but the number of nonsense posts in the cookie thread sure does. As long as I’m saying words I don’t notice

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i just tried tetrio and it sucked because i am not very good at playing tetris any other way but on using the mouse. I am a fraud i know. I just don’t like the arrow keys. hurts my fingers. mouse good

The keyboard keys were real bad on my fingers which is why I had to stop… how does mouse work

Mouse work by providing it cheese and affection

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you just use your mouse and it automatically rotates it for you. you move the mouse side-to-side to get it’s position and then up and down to rotate it. there’s no competitive aspect but it’s fun and you can focus more on building the strucutes and less rotationy. until you get to like lvl 25+. then you HAVE to use the mouse and you have to pray that it rotates the piece correctly because it’s more or less instaplace

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Hm would probably be too much a learning curve for me over picking up controller instead but it is good to know
