Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

I tried to play Tetris on an airplane touch screen and I could not pull off any T-spins that way

Wait sorry it wasn’t a touch screen you had to use the set of buttons below it

its not much of a learning curve ngl it’s really intuitive. it’s way easier than normal because it can do stuff like t-spins automatically. that’s compensated for by the later levels being absurdly fast in a “you can’t even look at the board you just have to look at the ‘next up’ pieces and remember what the board looks like so you can place them somewhere” way

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Even so I probably should not give my hands and wrists any more fast games. Mahjong is already a fast game if you’re on Tenhou timers

mahjong pronounced like “mah yong”

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musi Majon

honestly there’s a great character concept for someone who is really annoying about pronouncing foreign words ‘correctly’ yet says stuff like mahyong

Fruit snacks haviny so little in them should be a crime

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In middle school my friend would get fruit snacks from the vending machine every day and they were like $2 (rip off) & they had NOTHING. I only liked lemon and peach and they were always mostly strawberry too

I’m a big proponent of signing laws that hold people criminally respnsnvile for making products that have you put more effort into opening sometning than you do to actually eat it

When she didn’t have enough money I would go to the lunch lady and say the vending machine ate my quarter and they’d give me a replacement quarter from the cash register and I’d hand it to her and she’d feel “guilty” about this

Reese’s is an example

I call it “The Grind”

And I mean they knew they never found a quarter in the change slot I’m pretty sure they knew I was lying but I was 10 and asking for money for food. What were they gonna do, say no?

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When I was in middle school I would go to the vending machine each day to get apple juice

apple juice should always be avalianle

We also figured out the timing to hit the vending machine to get 2 fruit snacks but it was still unreliable so it was like gambling

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I just opened the package and there’s like 10 ONLY

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