Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

we have a robot smooth maker that makes small things for like 7 dollars which is a scam

one time i was at a weird hipster taco place in austin (aka 1/2 of the food options in that godforksaken city) and they had a mild sauce called pico the guy-o and it sounded good so I ordered it on my taco. But they put in pico de gallo. because of course they did. because the two things are pronounced the same way. i was pissed. why would they name it that

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& it’s a long walk to the car because the government of Massachusetts does not think I am disabled enough for a parking pass and the government of The College J Went To does not have any other remotely nearby parking

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Reminds me of a book called 1984

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funnily enough that taco place got shut down for a boba place. that i always said i was gonna get boba at during my break because it was right next to the subway where I would always go on my break. but i never did.

oh how the time flies.

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Once I was at a restaurant and I fully ordered the steak Aloud With My Speaking Voice while gesturing at it with my finger in case my voice was unclear and the waiter, like, confirmed with me solely through pointing at the menu? And I was like super weird. & then they came out with the wrong dish because apparently he didn’t even hear my voice at all. Could not even detect I was speaking. What the hell

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just get a fake one I know a dude who just has a fake one. probably falls in the range of “significantly ethically wrong” in the case of the guy in question it’s always an option

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Don’t even get me started on The Grocery Store. “Would you like a receipt?” You’re not finding the fuck out because you will never hear tm voice no matter how hard I try

Don’t have this problem anymore because they also didn’t give me a driver’s license so I don’t drive my self to school any more :-1:

ok i know a looot of people who have fake drivers licenses. i kinda wanna get one for myself. not to buy drugs or anything but because honestly a fake id raises a looooot less questions than my real ID

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It would be one thing if I failed four drivers’ tests the normal way (fully just being a bad driver and being informed of this). Every single lesson I ever took they said “you’re fine and ready for the test”. Every single person I ever drove with was like yeah you’re a good driver. FOUR TESTS

Like obviously on some level they just have to be wrong? Four is not bad RNG level. I’m probably not that good a driver. But it is their fucking job I paid them to do to tell me if I am a bad driver. Come on, man

First one I took the guy told me I was too cautious at intersections

I’ve found that it’s really easy to learn to drive once you actually…have a driver liscence

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See I just drove myself everywhere I went because it was enriching to me and the thing I was always told is that “you drive on the same roads too much, driving to get to a place doesn’t count as practice, you have to go and drive aimlessly out in random places or you’re not Confident Enough and we’ll fail you again”

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What the fuck

our town has a lady who does “3rd party” driving tests for all the private school kids and it’s notably absurdly easy to pass, you really don’t have to know how to drive. too ez

I cannot do that. Driving is extremely painful :-1: Not for fun. To get places. I want the license to be a regular ass adult and drive to fucking work why can I not practice by being a regular ass adult and driving to fucking work