Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

midwesterners gotta be the goat drivers then

in texas you cannot drive aimlessly in random places because you will inevitably end up on a private road with a “we don’t call 911” sign with an AR-15 on it. people are ITCHING to shoot teenagers who wind up on their property. it’s like a spider in it’s web


Also the first test I took the guy was all “you’re clearly not confident and practiced enough to drive I can’t cite anything about your driving to back this up but it’s obvious from your personality that you lack Assertiveness” (I had had my permit for a year at this point and plenty of practice) & then after the test I overheard him in his office being a misognyist. I’m sure these facts are not at all related



But you are lactose intolerunt

What did they fail you for though

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There was a pedestrian I should have stopped for (pedestrian at this point was on the sidewalk waiting to cross and physically obstructed from my view by a parked car) and I was too cautious at intersections (stopped to let these kids on their bikes go and didn’t follow directly behind them)

Isn t that illegal?

Also it was 4PM on a Friday in a busy city. You cannot go “too slow at intersections” at 4PM on a Friday in a busy city. This is my deeply held belief

Why didn’t you show assertiveness and ran over the kids


Morally correct

I “showed assertiveness” when I argued with him about the fuckin bikes thing for like three minutes and he could not even spend that long without running out of justifications and so he just held the word “PEDESTRIAN” up at me like a cross at a vampire


My mom was in the car with me and ALSO did not see the pedestrian at fuckin all so I know it wasn’t just me

“Well you should have followed right behind them and kept up with the flow of traffic” THEY ARE CHILDREN I WANT TO BE ABLE TO REACT AND NOT RUN THEM OVER IF THEY FALL OFF “Pedestrian”

Was he waiting at the zebra?

Apparently the specific guy who gave that test was just like infamously bad

Allegedly. I didn’t see him so I wouldn’t know

I love how y all spoke about driving lisence when I will need to praxtice for mine and at this time I am in a CAR


Good luck

the power of PEDESTRIAN compels you. the power of PEDESTRIAN compels you!!

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