Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Words like this have never stopped me

The other fails were:

  • Guy very illegally tried to pass me (while I was in a driving school car no less) and he would have been 100% at fault were there an accident but it was listed as instructor intervention which is an instant unconditional fail
  • Parallel park vibes were off (I have not ever had an instructor criticise my parallel parking and got through the parallel park in several other tests with no issue)
  • Didn’t like a turn I made (turn that any reasonable person in normal people world but this is driving test world and by this point it had been so long since I’d had the lessons that I forgot the rules of driving test world)

After the 4th fail I went up to the guy who owns the driving school and I was like “well clearly I have some kind of problem that your instructors are failing to inform me of on the refresher lessons because I should not be failing if I am actually a good driver” so he offered to give me a lesson himself and his conclusion was “your driving is perfectly fine, you just have an Attitude Problem”. And then I gave up

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When the asshole whose entire ego is very blatantly tied up in proving to me that I’m a bad driver can only come up with “Attitude Problem” that’s when I accept it’s bullshit and walk out

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The whole time I was just like TELL ME WHAT I’M DOING WRONG YOU FUCKERS and it’s never anything. They never have Anything

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Still very mad about this

You genuinely should look into those 3rd party gimme tests. I’m assuming you’re going through the dmv. Idk how legal those are where you are but 3p tests are goated

Sometimes I thought that maybe driving won’t be for me as driving aupposedly demands alot of qualities I don’t have

Then I regain confidence when I look into r/IdiotsinCars

The last three were the driving school ones which are Supposed to be the third party gimme tests

Oh Jesus lol

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DMV ones were in like. Busy city at the DMV location and the driving school ones were out in the middle of nowhere suburbia and they let you drive the course beforehand it was very blatantly rigged. And Yet

If it makes you feel any better my father literally NEVER drives sober (he keeps alcohol in the car just to drive) and he still has his license, so it doesn’t really reflect on your ability to drive if you have one or not

Oh yeah that’s what I did, suburbia one.

Reflects your level of Autism Woman in which if you are autistic and appear woman you clearly Lack Confidence and Must Practice More

After I gave up I just stopped driving altogether cause it hurts my knees like hellfire so now I probably can’t drive anymore. Probably do not remember. I have to relearn sometimes because United States but I will put it off forever & ever

Genuinely have nothing else to cite. Four is not bad luck. When they come up to me and say I haven’t practiced despite the fact that I’ve been driving three times as long as most people taking the test it’s clear Why

“Go out every day for an hour and just drive and it can’t be the same roads and you can’t be going anywhere” I am going to throw rocks at you until your body feels like mine does after I “go out and drive for an hour”. Not sure I have enough rocks

You have some sort of physical weakness, right?

Yeah, chronic joint pain. It isn’t arthritis, but it manifests fairly similar, to give you an idea

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It s clear why you have the kindness of a grandma with home made batch of chocolate chips cookies

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ey same here

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