Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

:handshake: lawyers

Average forum mafia players

Average may

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And, alright, I’ll admit it, as a kid I had a phase where I was obsessed with Catherine the Great

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who is catherine?

I am
-(not dancer, no skiills)
-(not musician. no skills)
-(not stenography. I think the industry exploits women and promotes hedonism)
-Printer [i do be printing]
-maybe a lawyer one day
-(not epileptic)
-certainly a theif. i love stealing things
-arguably a torture victim

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My mom just spitefully brought me on a boring errand by car so she would “take me off the computer” and guess what I m just staying on my phone doing the same thing

I don’t understand why she doesn’t mind her own bussiness sometimes, sbe has some overreactions that make me consider r/malicious compliance

Of Alexandria? A Christian saint of legend who failed to be tortured by wheel on account of the miracles and then was martyred etc that’s how saints goes. She probably wasn’t real and her story was probably actually based on Hypatia, a mathematician tortured by Christians

The Great? Empress of Russia who like modernised the country somewhat & shit

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i literally love going through random saints and finding their patronage.


I do the minimum amount of physical activity and I need to be on computer to learn languages and things for 12th grade exam!!!

But nooo, can’t say it, that would be BACKTALKING

Education and culture and science and vaccines and shit. Overthrew her husband


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oh that reminds me. i am leaving the catholic church cult. i am sorry may but you havent done a sermon in ages and i wanna sin again


Tge cult of SIN

how do you even become the patron saint of toothache


the knees are one of the most targetable areas in the human body
one of the bones that are incapable of healing and also extremely painful

Isn’t Vilnus capital of Lit :fire: huania???

Unmarried girls: :white_check_mark:
Apologists: I am an apologist for many things
Craftsmen who work with a wheel: I took a ceramics class but we never used the wheel
Archivists: I LOVE data entry
Dying people: Yeha my knees hurt
Educators: About mahjong
Girls: Conditionally
Jurists: Basically forum mafia
Knife sharpeners: Yes I have sharpened knives I cook
Lawyers: Forum mafia
Librarians: Spent a while trying to decipher something called “The Library” so yeah

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vilnius is the g-spot of europe

did you know that your thigh is home to the largest nerve in the human body
it has roughly the diameter of a penny

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