Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Yes, Silvii?

You do know saints have to be martyred right

Thank you. Crucial information

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Joan d’Arc is my favorite mentally ill heroess saint

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the school i went to was literally named after the patron saint of Marshals. it was destined to be.


episode 329 in “marissa doxxes herself”


I keep thinking you are vrazilian because I confuse you with Mercenery

im not cool enough to be brazillian

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What do you put on your pizza

as if anyone would go to austin in the first place

cheese i am a vegetablearian

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Yeah not Brazilian

Austin doesn’t seem so bad right?

bitch you live in


shut the FUCK up. your only saving grace is not being Arlington

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There’s a reason people from fort worth say they are from “DFW” whereas people from dallas say they are from dallas. it’s because fort worth fucking SUCKS

Not fort Worth?

It isn’t Worth it…?


no. never fort worth. it’s fort worth driving around it if you can

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just because our roads suck and our housing sucks (all the housing everywhere sucks in texas really) and the local mcdonalds somehow mixed my order up with a singular big mac and nothing else including my drink doesn’t mean we’re THAT bad

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Look at this jump that won us a game today BTW it’s so funny