Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Yochanan the Baptist would agree with this.

Italy, what curiosities can you tell me about Texas

haha… look at the non-austinite thinking their housing sucks… our house price TRIPLED in the past 10 years. And we live 40 minutes out from downtown



you’re from austin though everyone knows your housing sucks

there’s this big two story house for sale generic two garage american dream setup
except it’s fucking 900 grand

boston is at least, like, a place with history, and infrastructure Every texas town seemingly popped out of nowhere

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texas has a good bit of german heritage
and it’s really hot

literally the heat index is 115 i’m going to fucking die

i cannot name like a single historic place in texas other than the alamo and that’s a church

They put a fucking rock on display


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Is it named Uluru?

yeah you’re right. it’s up there with Arizona in the “why does this state even exist who would willingly build cities here” category

No. That’s a large and interesting rock. I am talking about a shitty regular rock

I believe it. Uluru is definitely a large and interesting rock.

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i stg phoenix arizona gotta be the worst place ever. Who decided there needed to be a city there. it has no right to exist

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have you seen the latest pictures out of arizona