Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

here comes the sun

no. that’s like asking if i’ve seen the most recent videos of children getting mauled by bears. i avoid it as much as possible

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Have you seen the most recent videos of children getting mauled by bears?

a classic to be certain

2 kings 2 23-25

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If there’s one thing you can learn from Timothy Treadwell’s life, don’t think bears are cuddly as you might have been led to believe.

depends on which one is the most recent

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Bears are like. Fine. Some bears at least

They’re cowards

Black bears

I don’t know who’s leading people to believe that bears are cuddly. maybe the people at build-a-bear. otherwise i think i haven’t seen too much of that

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polar bears irrationally scare me

The polar bears are the ones you really should watch out for. If you see one approaching you, it stalked you for miles long before you saw it coming.

No they rationally scare you

that’s like saying you have a phobia of being hit by a train

i assure you that’s a very rational fear

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Well I mean you could fear being hit by a train when there’s no train around. Or mauled by a polar bear when there’s no polar bear, that would be irrational. However if there is a polar bear or train then

But black bears are fine. They hang out around here. The dog scares them off

is it really a rational fear if i never go near them? it’s like being afraid of being killed by the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces in the civil war.

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