Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

I was terrified of earthquakes and tornadoes as a kid. In Massachusetts

Brown bears are surprisingly non-aggressive, unless it’s you getting between a mama bear and her cubs. Then you’re going to have a hard time. Heck their go to food is salmon.

I was also terrified of house fires and hurricanes and thunderstorms and those were more local. Not scared of blizzards though. Which were absolutely the natural disaster that did me the most damage

may what prompted you to be a mets fan in massachussets


family from oklahoma put the fear of god in me regarding tornadoes

If you eat even a bit from a polar bear’s liver you will die from hypervitaminosis A

My family are Yankees fans. Everyone else around me is a Red Sox fan

Did not want to choose. That’s dangerous

what prompted your family to choose to be yankees fans in massachussets

What is Yankees? Baseball?

They grew up in New York

Baseball yes

they’re mid for the first time in a while and their fans are livid. they choose to ignore that they still have a winning record

OK, and there were, uh, alternative motivations in place, but those have long since passed

NOT a Mets fan for lesbian reasons anymore

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I don’t get the hype behind sports watching for ke personally.

People out there are die hard fans, they either choose a team they don’t even know anything about then get dedicated to fangirling them and even get aggressive when the team losses?

Personally I love how stronk the people look, but that’s about it.

the funny thing about baseball is that you can literally just buy good players with no salary cap. baseball fans of good teams are spoiled. They don’t know the true fun of watching your team’s regular season games knowing full well that they are about to lose and miss the playoffs by a wide margin again

You can just buy good players and still suck ass

don’t you live in texas. do you know this feeling

Literally forum mafia!