Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

That made me laugh. :sob:

Goodness. So like tell me the entire story of why you’ve been appointed president.

You are the president, potentially you have antagonists trying to ruin you so they lead. And then you ended up the first president on the server who is a closet trans who innately opposes everything on the server by its very nature.

I guess having boundaries is important.
(Oh god what is this?)

an update every day? so like… a story? today’s story???

animations channel

Literally pico school but discord form

One second this is a pretty good story so I’m gonna move setups so I can tell it easier

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This sounds like the story genre of “The first woman president against contemptuous society” and I am all for it.

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today’s story is gonna be a long one


Toppling an anarchic society doesn’t take 5 sentences to say

you sit on a thone of five guys burger and friies

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Marshal which ones do you like more

Stories that are complex and might hurt your brain or simple plain stories?

depends tbh. i like both.

If you want complex stories, I really recommend watching a playthrough of Master Detective Archive: Raincode.

It’s long though

will do it if @Tangeld ever decides to stream it

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She exists???


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I might or might not be a guilty feloner of keep saying “hi” “hello” “howdy” to her DMs and she doesn’t answer :skull:

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This isn’t my best writing but I hope I can capture the dramatic nature of it

It’s december 2021. I recently moved discord accounts, previously only being in the server for the emotes I rejoined on my new account 3 months prior. A month later, in my boredom, I decide to start talking in the server.
At the time, the server was rather simple. The admins were appointed because they were the first 5 people to join the server. One of these people, wasn’t happy with his amount of power in the server. He wanted more. He pushed the owner to give him power over all the admins. Not very willing to do this, the owner instead decides that there will be an ELECTION. A random selection of people who wanted to be president, and a few of the admins, are put into the race.
I’ve been here for a few weeks now and I’ve established myself like I do. I, by chance, am one of the people up for election. Having befriended the core chatters in the server, I assembled them into my party, as well as forming a coalition with my biggest rival.
At the time there was kind of a sister server, with a user from that server happening to be in the elections. I happen to be friends with the owner of that server, where they reveal that they’re organising the members of that server to attempt to rig the election. I saw their plan for presidency. They just wanted to cause chaos. It was dishonorable, and I knew that if I became president, not only would I stop the destruction of the server, I could build it greater than before. But these people, they were inviting people to the server to shift the votes in the favor. I had to do something. I went to the owner with my evidence and they were struck down. I was back in the lead.
My running mate and I… we were having some differing opinons, and I didn’t trust him. Relations started to break down and I cut him off. THIS WILL BE VERY IMPORTANT LATER. MAJOR ANTAGONIST FORESHADOWING.

I win the election. By landslide. The admin, who has failed to gain his throne, now goes to the owner saying “We can’t just give anyone power over the server!” and convinces him to put the presidency below the admins, and take away most its power. I bargain with the owner, pointing towards my plans and, definitely not just because he thought I was hot, he gives in and gives me power. Significant power. My running mate, he was like the admin. All he wanted was power. So now he goes to the owner and says “I can help you do some work on the server, I could make your life much easier if you give me admin.” and IT WORKS. Suddenly the dynamics are flipped. However, I see this and know this is my chance to bargain. I point this out to the owner, how I won the popular vote and now the loser is above me, and the presidency became the one all powerful role in the server.

I could definitely tell this story much better. For sure. I think its one you had to be there for honestly


Tangeld has sixteen posts on this site in two years, what do you mean she exists?

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every time i eat corn… i am r eminded of her