Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

My favourite moderation action is when on Among Us night I out of nowhere say to someone a minute into the first meeting “Your voice sounds different when you’re the impostor”, vote them, refuse to explain, and then they never come to Among Us night again (they were a regular)

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They were at Codenames today though

I was right but could not explain the difference I heard

Yesterday. Whatever



6th sense


I did “solar” for 4 and they got Sun and Telescope and whatever the third one is but not SOLAR DISC

I feel in any community, the rules shouldn’t be rigid. When I was an impressionable youngling on roblox :older_man:, there were some weird rules.

There was this person who thought “…” or any dots for that matter is judgemental and mean then that entire dumb thing got revoked 10 months later.

And if you earned 3 warnings, they’d kick you off the server (ceremonially) and then you can simply come back and get all of your roles. And if you earned 5, you’d get banned entirely.

Even if you wrote a comment and then accidentally spaced and used a dot, you’d get warned by an autobot.

I understand the systematic use of “3 warnings system”, but I never seen one where is taken seriously and not automatically suck. :joy_cat:



F-Finally… I got to be a devotee…


Ooo congrats


I never fully appreciated Eliza until I had someone on tumblr who reblogged even my worst posts… sometimes u post a banger and the masses don’t get it. But Eliza does. And she is fr the goat for that


Maybe you just need better bangers

Ok fair maybe I just need more practice

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That’s right. Reply to me. Fool

well now I feel bad

What’s a cute tummy??? Visual learner btw…

when I see the [icon] replying… text I feel like someone is entering my throne room and asking me for a bowl of soup. I laugh at the repliers