Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

I applied to several competitive NE boarding high schools but the best one didn’t let me in and the second-best waitlisted me

And all the ones below were just like. Arguably worse than the public school in my area, everyone said they were. So

…you guys applied to high schools?


there was a high school near me. I went to that one. Not much else to it

The one that waitlisted me was the one where I included my YA dystopian novel parody based on Veggietales in my application

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I had an absurd middle school resume (straight A+ in all honors course and pretty crazy extracirriculars and awards) and the guy I talked to from the school said I was likely a shoe-in. Idk. It was nice not to try in high school tbh so I’m not sad I didn’t go

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I like didn’t try so I had some A-s on there & naturally no sports or clubs or anything cause disability but I had a bunch of online organisational extracurriculars and perfect test scores

The one I went to had an application but it was easier. Except they interviewed you about your faith life as well. I don’t think it had bearing on if you got in. But they did do it

It’s so easy to get perfect test scores on the High School Application Test it was suuuuch utter bullshit I took the actual SAT in 8th grade as well but too late to put it on my application

I had a 1230 SAT in 7th grade which was like my crown jewel of “things to put on middle school resume”


what the hell is going on at your guys middle schools even. I dont understand education over there. Or maybe its because I’m not in a very prestigious area. I dont know

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I got a 1430 but didn’t get to put it on my resume


Lmfao god zamn

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My friend who was 4 years older got a 1470 and had the highest math score in her entire high school and I was soooo proud of myself for being literally like 10 points lower than her



Standardised test for college applications


Oh no

My actual final SAT was a 1550. But my psat was a 1500 (out of 1520) and that’s the one I reallly grinded for cuz u only get one shot




I take the ACT this year