Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

No more french :x:

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Border moved over the people. Plenty of the U.S. used to be Spanish territory

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our school tried to phase out the french department by making french 1 a pre-requirement for entering the French course, and then not offering french 1.


Plus a lotta nearby Spanish-speaking countries. It’s just the language you’re most likely to encounter here, other than English

Our school just said “no more French, society has progressed past the need for French”, and that was that


I remember this from Victoria 3

Me when games teach history

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Did you know that Texas itself was a separate country at some point before getting annexed?

A warntorn republic between emerging Mexico and US

we have
-mandarain chinese

the mandarain department is funny. the old teacher was from taiwan called me a ladyboy once. she randomly mysteriously dissapeared senior year and was replaced by a CCP nationalist

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it wasn’t to my face it was to my friend who was taking the classes

still funny. she was nice i think iidk i never talked to her

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Teachers usually don’t radiate kindness, so I believe it

i heard from my convenience store buddy that the new one sucked tho. tho my aformentioned friend said she was nice so idk

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Ilove teachers that other people say suck a lot of the time because I never learn anything from lectures in the first place. So I don’t care if they’re boring or uninformative or confusing. I am not paying attention. I am playing mahjong

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When ratemyprofessor dot com says “very nice and gives good homework but the lectures are SO BORING” I go hehe more for me and sign up

How do you learn from the class if ya ain’t paying attension?

honestly school is so easy if you just pay attention. literally as long as I am present in class and watching the teacher I can easily pass classes. the battle is doing that

I learn all that shit on the Google

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I learn all that shit on the Google