Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

i refuse to get ADHD meds because that requires therapy and i’m too good for therapy.

I have a diagnosis actually so maybe i could. but im also too good for ADHD meds anyways. im taking on this life unmedicated until the bitter end

My parentsdo not believe in ADHD mets but that ceases to be a major problem soon

Also the memory can trick you. Try to close the notebook and try to repeat the information.

If you use your notebook as your second memory brain, you won’t learn anything

As far as they are concerned the only ADHD meds are “AMPHETAMINES” said in all caps with quotes every time and you can only call them that

Going to therapy? Pit of acid that will dissolve my bones


I still find it funny how Dream got that music piece out and in the animation was him throwing “normal pills” in the trash, that was meant to be med for a condition.

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i’d rather do coke than adderall because coke is, like, aesthetic 90s businesswoman who knows how the stock market works and makes 300k a year.

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Rocks and sticks might break my bones. But pit of acids won’t

Yeah they’ll dissolve instead

every day I feel an intense calling to wear exclusively womans business suits everywhere and smoke and do cocaine and learn how the stock market works. thats the vibe i want and i totally could pull it off. I want a rocky relationship with my children who will come to resent me later. that’s so vibes and girlbosscore

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Unrelated bujt I am still thinking about that picture of Hideo Kojima where he is sitting next to two people who are smoking and he is pretending to smoke. No cigarette in his hand.Anyone who says they have stopped thinking about that picture is lying

women will LITERALLY learn how the stock market works instead of going to therapy


I want to be, like, kim wexler. shes a girlboss. or jan in the first few seasons of the office. business women with their business suits and bad habits.

I wanna call someone idiotic for buying a put on $SPY. i wanna know what that means.

when I was halfway through college I started taking meds for ~unrelated reasons that turned out to have a side effect of boosting executive function and I went from “insufficient executive function to reliably walk five feet across the room to get my water bottle when I’m thirsty” to “basically normal human being who can do normal things like ‘grocery shopping’ and ‘getting essays done early’”

10/10 do recommend (I don’t even have ADHD (probably))


I can fully, like, think I should do something and intend to do something and attempt to move to do something and it just doesn’t happen. I do not know how to describe it. I can try to stand up from a chair and if my brain disagrees I just don’t stand up. It’s incredible



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yeah no this is real. i have executive functioning disorder so it’s specifically this. I would rather do nothing than what i’m supposed to do. I will sit here and read the ingredients on the back of gummy bears instead of brushing my teeth

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I tend to be better at doing things if I perceived “have” to do them. If there’s absolutely no out and they must be done instantly and not later. But as soon as something’s perceived “don’t have to do this” I can’t. I can write an essay up until midnight on the due date but the second it’s 12:01 and I’m already getting a late penalty it just stops until 10PM next week when the late penalty’s about to increase

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And all the other things. Being in physical pain is significantly better to me than being bored slash understimulated so I idly do many silly things. Banned from candles for having can’t stop sticking fingers in hot candle wax disorder