Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

well. retroactive yeah. I don’t do that anymore! drugs* are wild

* medications**

** more or less

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this is how i did every essay ever. my sophomore history midterm was submitted 3 months late. I just kept sending him intentionally corrupted word docs and ignoring his emails till he asked me about it and saying “oops! I’ll get you that tonight” and then sending another corrupted word doc like 4 days later

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it wasn’t even a hard paper. it was like 4 pages on czechoslovakia and I love czechoslovakia

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Anything that sits on my desk by my idle hands will be thoroughly and methodically destroyed

senioritis becomes really bad because suddenly there is NOTHING you “have” to do. I am into a college. it has a 80% acceptance rate and they let me in 2 hours after they recieved my application. There is no reason to go to class or do anything but play stumble guys

Fidget toys don’t Work for me IDK why I have to be tearing something up. Sometimes one will entertain me a little but exclusively if I am destroying it so that doesn’t work for a long term solution

fidget toys don’t work for me except for those little popper things. like the ones made of silicone where you pop them in and out. love those.

My hands are too weak to flip a lot of those

i’m unfriending you in valorant


GrandMay has joint pain, dearie. Don’t you know that May has a walking stick?

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Thje only thing that could properly hold my attention when it was real bad for a while was, like, watching a video from a YouTuber I watch a lot, turning off sound, putting on closed captions, and trying to perfectly simulate their voice and intonation in my head from the captions while also paying attention to the video

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(((For legal reasons this is a joke.)))

I learned more hacks recently. I had a compujters person help me make a weird setup on my computer using Voicemeeter Banana and some Firefox extensions to allow me to play two different YouTube videos in two ears of my headphones. And of course there’s playing Splatoon and mahjong simultaneously

may your joints are FUCKING TERRIBLE
for legal reasons this is NOT A JOKE



Have I posted that picture of how my finger bends when I type here

This is sounding disturbing

no please do. i love freaky finger bending. i found out my english teachers infant daughter can do the same freaky thumb thing that I can and i was over the moon

warning: finger shouldn't bend like that

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Me when I want to delete my boss from existance

Ilearned how to curve my fingres properly so that doesn’t happen so much anymore especially w/ the right keyboard but that is how I used to so suffer. My hands are too small for any of the ring splints that’re supposed to prevent it to fit