Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Not even going to talk about hte positions I keep my wrists in when I rest my head on my hand

yeah that’s weird and all but tf is up with your goofy ass computer font. “Created by Michael Bay” typa computer font. 2004"futuristic"core.

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Its an old picture. Now I type on an external keyboard I keep in front of my laptop because I got too much candle wax on it for the keyboard to function. This answers none of your questions

Heres the Kojima picture

My fun finger photo

I have taught myself to hold the pen improperly and heard from some classmates that my thumb unnaturally bends a bit too backwards/has too much back flexibility

Awww, the thumb is giving a hug

I was allowed into a “witches’ club” in elementary school for being able to do this

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The fingers are starring at tourqouise sticky notes

Can you do the one where you press your thumb to the bottom of your wrist

I remmeber watching some made-for-tv movie in kindergarten where some people got turned to witches by rocks and i had a meltdown because i saw similar looking rocks in the playground and then the principal came over and touched them to show me it would be ok and i was sure she had become a wtich


Fun fact: Ihave extremely hypermobile joints but I can’t touch my toes because halfof my muscles are so tight from trying to make my joints not fall apart

what the hell is going on here


i can do just about anything with my thumb. it is boundless

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That one’s more a wrist one for the most part but yea

Fun fact: Ihave extremely hypermobile joints but I can’t touch my toes because i have stupid long legs and stupid short arms and stupid scoliosis

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I also have long legs and short arms and scoliosis. They didnt diagnose it at the school screenings either a PT told me like what the hell was the point of all that then

T o d a y s t z u

c a n

y o u r

f i n g e r s

b e n d

u n n a t u r a l l y

Fun fact: I don’t have extremely hypermobile joints. Like I’m fairly hypermobile in some ways but I also can’t play the piano because my fingers don’t move the normal person way to play the piano. I have all the useless bending with none of the actual person bending for some fucking reason

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Unfortunately I don’t know what hypermobile joints mean