Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

if i really wanted to i could move my thumb all the way behind my hand though. so clearly its a good tradeoff

“Ohhh you know when your back itches but there’s that one spot you can’t get” No. Bitch


Fun thumb photo #2


Marshal are you a jelly supervillain!?!

im chaotic evil clearly

How does your thumb bone curve like THAT

Am I banned from saying bitch or just ho

Whats allegedly exceptional here

Don’t say bish to refer it towards people usually

my shoulders are mobile, my fingers are mobile, my hips joints are DECIDEDLY NOT.

i cannot do criss-cross-applesauce for the life of me

When I used a weighted blanket it would shift my hip joints out of place if I moved at all underneath it


nightmare fuel

my hands are pretty boring but apparently my fingers are weirdly long relative to my height. it’s in my medical record


My hands are apparently the size of the average 9-year-old’s

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one time I accidentally did the splits in class and people thought I was showing off but I actually just fell down in the most comical way ever

this isnt related to anything I just remembered it

I could not replicate it afterwards