Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Harlot vs Hostess in SnV.

GrandMay how did it get to this. How did you become a physically old grandma when youā€™re still a youngling!!!

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i have the gay amab fingers but besides my silly thumbs thatā€™s about it

If my nails get even slightly too long then they force my fingers to bend backwards as I type


for whatever reason when my fingernails get long they bend backwards onto themselves so I dont let them do that

oh thats weird i have long nails and ive never-
[looks at my hands as I type]
Oh no

Iā€™m trying to see how that would look like by doing it with my fingers and I think itā€™s a bit annoying

Ideally if you can you can curve your hands a bit to prevent htem from moving backward. There are also ring splints which prevent your joints from doing so if you end up with hand pain. And PT tape as well

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My ankles move waaay too much and itā€™s like. Uncomfortable to not move them weird a couple times a day. Theyget too tense if they are not exercised by bending in positions they wer enever meant to

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that is soo real how does one live without doing the ceramonial ankle cracking

& I canā€™t stand for more than a couple seconds with my weight evenly on both legs, I have to lean one way or another



my bones donā€™t crack. except for my thumbs, which i can make audibly crack at any time with no cooldown

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So you DO have a walking stick

My joints pop in and out of place and crack at their will. If Iā€™m having bad wrist pain itā€™ll crack consistently

I should probably get one

I would like to bring up the fact that I didnā€™t know how much of this wasnā€™t normal until may told me. May also told me what heart palpitations were


Heart palpitations are soooo normal if you canā€™t hear your heartbeat at all times what are you doing. How are you living


you heart palpatation??? thats kinda problematic, he turned anakin to the dark side

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