Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

I am getting genuienly worried

May do you have any aid for your conditions?

Yeah. Doctors, physical therapy. Just can’t all be instantly cured. And especially not if you have ADHD and don’t consistently do your exercises

i prescribe you: beat saber


Conversation I had once: Italy referenced DDR, then was like “you wouldn’t get that” and I was like hey I’m not THAT young & he said yeah but you’d die if you played DDR and I was still indignant aboutit but then I thought about playing DDR and I think it would feel like I was being set on fire


If your conditions are cureable I really really urge you to do what you need to not have them :heavy_heart_exclamation:

You said you drive a car now like 2 days, so I was wondering, does that impair your driving skills at all?

I was living my life and I did NOT realise thats what heart palpatations were. Nobody ever told me what they were when you hear about heart palpatations in medical dramas they just call them heart palpatations they dont give you a powerpoint. Apparently heart rates arent supposed to be that high either. How do you guys live without hearing nightcore in your bones at all times

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I don’t drive anymore, I used to. It does hurt to drive for more than… half an hour is probably the max, and I can’t drive without pain on bad days at all

crichard whats your resting heart rate

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Specifically, the instructorswould always tell me that I didn’t practice driving enough, which I did not do because it was painful, so I suppose it impaired my ability to get a license completely

70 last time i checked.



Do not play Dangan-Danganrompa (it might kill you!)

Same answer why the Sun rises in the east. It’s the way it is.

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im at 100? 110 right now? from a quick estimate. Boring heart rate. SO lame

I don’t know how to calculate my beats per minute

Do I calculate my beats and then count to 60???

If you can count a second you can estimate it in your head based on the ratio to beats per second
otherwise use a bpm app lol

i just calced mine and its 72

Usually you put up like a 15 second timer, count the beats in that timer, multiply by 4. You can do a 30 second timer and multiply by 2 or a 60 second