Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

“this chart here says you’re tall for your age” I KNOW
“it appears you aren’t flossing enough” I KNOW
“you should probably get more sleep” I KNOW

I had a dream last night that the doctors got pissed at me for having so many different appointments and tried to softban me from the doctors because I’m not super old why would I have issues and I was like “Well I need that much help” and I got really upset

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I used to get handed a depression evaluation every single time I went into the doctor for literally any reason

Keep in mind that I had already been recently evaluated by depression by, like, a therapist, who said I did not have depression,

i think they just do that for teenagers? they did that for me

yeah same

they would not evaluate me for depression what the hell

you guys got that???

we weren’t sure if they were even reading them but one time my sister put herself as like halfway between two answers on a bunch of the questions and the nurse came back and made her fix it

you’re not American you don’t count

part of the perks of paying hundreds for some four-eyes nerd to tell me i’m still alive

teenagers cant have mental illness which means im fine. they can however put me on a 200 year waiting list to also get no help

Yeah every single time. Like they would change the subject when I came in exclusively to go “CAN I HAVE ANTIBIOTICS FOR THIS INFECTION PLEASE” andwould try to convince me I have depression

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however when I became almost an adult they were like “fuck it. sure. have drugs. i dont care” so like good enough

never forget the queen who [REDACTED] because of how stupidly long NHS waiting times are

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by the way jaiden do you wanna see this funny video

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NO you do NOT


A medical condition I believe I have is irritable bowel syndrome since I was a kiddo. I usually keep it away with BEANS, but it really sucks.

In middle school and early highschool it was more severe and it caused me to have strong abdominal pain at times to the point I had to go home. The first times it happened I went to the hospital and me and my family were worried sick because :sparkles: corrupt bribed medics :sparkles:, the diagnostic said nothing so sometimes it would really cause alot of fakeouts.

arete can i pleaaaaaaaase post it in cookie thread