Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

For hte record I post this because this is the class I got the stupid fucking. Grade downgraded to 60% for forgetting a single formula essentially

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fucked up if true


Also poy isn’t like me

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god i hate true/false questions where i get them wrong because the professor goes “well ACTUALLY theres this technicality :nerd_face: because that sentence says GUARANTEE, even though everything else there is right”


i hate teaching to the test i hate teaching to the test i know the principles of the thing thats all that matters stop fucking testing me on petty little technicalities

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i fucking hate trick questions

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is your class for learning or is it to solve your riddles three


Just watched a botc video where the amnesiac ability was “once a game you may declare yourself as the amnesiac and choose a player. If that player is a minion, good wins. Al players know there is an alternate win condition in the game”

It was a leech game who chose this person n1 and then the story teller edited the ability “you cannot be the leech host” “please choose a different player”


amne moment

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the leech proceeded to double claim amnesiac solely to fuck with them for fucking with it

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most balanced amne ability

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to be fair dead people don’t have abilities


the game was funny because by double claiming amne it was confusing to the real amne who had to waste a question asking if their ability had anything to do with other amnes

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honestly thats kinda cringe i think perma-poisoned amnes can be hilarious

you get to fuck with them so much

You never get to use tbat avimity again on stream tho

just chanfe it to somrthing else, keep them perma posioned, use it next game. Ez

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they already talked about the amne ability on stream tho

wipe everyones memories