Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

All of the recent posts on my blog are of a post type that’s not going to appeal to FoLers I think

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This implies they’re all 9/11 jokes. Not entirely true. It’s mostly this kind of thing

They’re great posts but lack typical structure/punchline to be considered Funny Memes

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Oh I found a good one



“Can you explain the gap in your blog history”
“I was employed”

Is SO funny. I’m dying. I laughed for so long my friend I was modeling for a portrait of got visibly kinda annoyed


It’s a REALLY good post

a portrait of got

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its like a ripoff god

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It references past Tumblr posts re: unemployed blogging so I tossed it in with the rest but it stands on its own now that I look at it

seethe harder grammarpilled elizacel

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I’m so good at being unemployed you wouldn’t believe

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omg me too

“You can’t hold a job because you’re chronically ill” Yeah so I’m skilled at being unemployed


It’s a talent and I’m winning at it

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may is chronically ill?

news to me

Not true

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I refused to post in the medical issues thread initially cause that’s personal information

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Which is very funny now

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