Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

There’s a reason I didn’t go with the greedy option but considered it

ive not had much experience with family members passing but when its been a looming thing ive not felt much either. when my bird passed however i was crying for like 2 weeks. idk

It’s an empathy test.

Story has seen the test clearly, she’s just having fun.

I just… wasn’t upset when my dog died. Not really. One of my friends made a joke about it and I didn’t like her so I did pretend to be really upset to make her feel bad

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youve said this twice do you think i spend my free time doing empathy tests

I was in MIDDLE SCHOOL to be clear here

Second scenario: you are robbing a house in the dead of night. The homeowner leaves their bedroom and sees you, and runs to hide in the closet. You see this happen, and you have a knife. What do you do?

“No limbs.”

What’s my objective

i wonder how many of the questions boil down to “are you a fundamental attribution errorcel”

You are just robbing a house.

mask or no mask

if you’re robbing a house haven’t you already failed the empathy test

We’ll say no mask, but it’s dark.

barricade the closet

how dark

navy or lunar

It’s the dead of night and there are no lights on.

It’s a lot more efficient to Rob someone if they are stuck somewhere

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